Facts / Policies
Return / Refund
If you have received a damaged or unsatisfactory item, We apologize for any inconvenience caused.. We strive to provide you with an amazing shopping experience, and we regret that we fell short this time. If you wish to request a refund, please review our policies below before submitting your request.
To be eligible for a refund, please submit a request within 10 days of receiving your package. Refund requests will not be accepted if this deadline has passed. To submit a request, please fill out the contact form below with the name used to place the order and the order number. If you don't know your order number, please let us know the date you made your order. Kindly provide a reason for returning or refunding the item, and if the item is damaged, we will request photos.
For a full refund, the damaged or unsatisfactory item(s) will need to be returned to us. Upon receiving the item(s), we will either refund you, send a new item to replace the damaged one, or issue a store credit. Please don't send the item(s) without submitting a request and receiving approval. Failure to do so may result in us being unable to refund you.
Do not ship an item without first submitting a request and having the request be approved. We may not be able to refund you if the item is shipped before a full review of your request.
For additional questions or concerns, please contact us.
We respond within 1-2 business days. If you have submitted your request we will contact you, please do not submit more than 1 request. Make sure to check your spam/junk if you have not received a response.